Marshall Burns

When my cousin David was a little boy, he used to pelt me with questions about life and the universe. One day, with a little prompting from an older family member, he asked me what I am. I thought about it for a few minutes, and then I said, “I’m a physicist, an entrepreneur, a philosopher, and an explorer.”

Do you want to learn why I gave up driving and flying in favor of my bicycle and trains, and how that has worked out for me?
See my brief essay at NoFlyClimateSci.

Quantum chaos article by Marshall Burns on cover of Computers in Physics, 1992Physicist.   Analysis is my passion — studying the details of something until the big picture comes into focus.

Marshall Burns Computer Sales ad for first PC clone, LA Times, 1982Entrepreneur.   It started with door-to-door catalog sales at ten years old. So far, it’s led to PC clones and digital fabrication, and now a radically different direction in business.
Archive of Ennex’s 3D printer business from the 1990s acquired by Penn State University:

Sunset at Eagles Nest, Santa BarbaraPhilosopher.   Thinking about the world around me — and often writing about it — has always been a hobby for me.

1991 road tripExplorer.   Four continents — and counting.

And just for fun: Why I (used to) Live in California